
01 – No more heroes & Dominating the digital space

Welcome to the first episode of the Short Story Cast, a podcast that showcases great short stories.

This episode features:

No more heroes

Written and performed by James Winterbottom

A story about a superhero that has been stripped of his powers and forced to look for work.

Dominating the digital space

Written and performed by James Winterbottom

This story is told by a reluctant start up founder, giving a talk about becoming a digital success. The talk doesn’t go exactly the plan and you find out more about him as his talk begins to unravel.

Here’s a link to the script of the Anton Chekhov short play[PDF] that “Dominating the digital space” is based upon and also a YouTube performance.

Music credits

Thanks to Nicolai Heidlas for the background song, called Banjo background music. You can find his work on Soundcloud.

How to make your own podcast

Also thank you to Ian Robinson at Freedom Podcasting  His Udemy course on how to create your own podcast  was essential to getting this podcast made. I’d strongly recommend his course if you’re interested in making a podcast.