
02 – Keep Breathing & The Troll

Thank you for downloading the second episode of the Short Story Cast, a podcast that showcases great short stories.

This episode features:

Keep Breathing

A guided meditation that goes a bit wrong. The relaxing background music is there, the soothing tones are too but the words aren’t what you might expect. Inspired by the Calm meditation app.

The Troll

A dip into the murky world of online trolls. Melanie lets her ambition get the better of her and it leads to disastrous consequences for her. If you enjoy this story you’ll probably also like the TV show Mr Robot.

Music credits

Thanks to IPREB205 for the background song, called Ukelele 30. You can find more of their work on Soundcloud.

Want to contribute?

I hope to feature a wide range of authors on the podcast in the future. If you’re interested in reading out a short story on a future episode then please visit the contribute page of the website to find out more.